Working With Documents

Documentation is any type of record that can be retrieved and reviewed at a later time. This includes records made on physical or printed form and also ones that are created in a digital format using computer programs such as word processors, spreadsheet programs, and image editing software. In most companies, documentation adheres to an established set of rules and guidelines to ensure that every new document exhibits a certain degree of similarity in form and structure with older documents. This ensures consistency and transparency within the workflows of the organization and the documentation system.

Documents stored in digital format are usually assigned a unique filename to distinguish them from traditional records. This helps to organize files and allows users to locate information quickly without opening several documents. Documentation is usually organized into folders, which makes it easier for users of an extensive collection of data to find specific records.

Apple applications such as Pages and TextEdit along with third-party applications that are available on the Mac App Store allow you to create many different kinds of documents. This includes letters, reports essays, financial charts, slideshows, presentations and much more. These documents can be used across different platforms, which allows for simple collaboration between team members.

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